Kalyug Briefs

When character is gone, a lot more is gained!

When character is gone, a lot more is gained!

Wealth is gone, nothing is gone,
(can be earned again)

Health is gone, something is gone,
(negligence towards own health may cause trouble later, so better take care of health – eat healthy, stay active, breath fresh air)

Character is gone, everything is gone…esp. for the respectable person.
(Your personality = your personal set of qualities – obviously good qualities that make a strong, positive character. If by chance you lose any one of your positive qualities, it will start affecting your overall personality – your character that you have created for yourself based on the good, the bad and the ugly that you saw around yourself and decided to choose the good and tried to make it the best.

So you defined yourself for others – like he/she is a kind, caring and helpful person. You are respected for your good qualities. You earn respect through your behaviour towards others. If you suddenly become rude, selfish and indifferent – you will forever lose the positive ‘Character’ image you had built for yourself facing million challenges on the way of building the same! You will lose the love and respect of all those who matter to you – family, friends, colleagues…nation. Having lost that, you are left with nothing. Thus the warning – ‘Everything is gone’ – so that a person is careful not to lose everything because of some foolish step!

Now, if you a negative personality, the saying will change to ‘ Character is gone, lot more is gained’!
A characterless person has nothing to lose – on the contrary he/she gains a lot by being unscrupulous ! There are many weaklings out there who blindly follow the Negative Personality – because it is much easier to be selfish and not bother about feelings of fellow humans! Plus lying and cheating or duping people comes easy to them. Such negative personalities can happily destroy a person and along with it, his/her entire family and will be least perturbed by that!

That is the reason why India celebrates Diwali and burns the effigy of Demon King Ravana – who, although was very learned and religious, but was grossly a negative personality! He had an entire battalion of followers who followed him blindly….but all had to meet their abrupt end in the hands of mere monkey army…which was headed by the strong positive personality – Shri Rama!

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