Kalyug Briefs

Taare Zameen Par - Film Review by Kalyug Briefs

Film Review: Taare Zameen Par

Taare Zameen Par, released in 2007, explores the challenges of dealing with children with special needs. While the film was a blockbuster hit, the suggestions portrayed may not be practically implementable in real-life scenarios.

It is crucial to understand that children with special needs require specialized trainers and environments to thrive. Special schools exist where teachers and caregivers are trained to cater to the needs of these extra-sensitive children, who may have conditions such as ADHD, Autism, or Dyslexia. With proper love and care, they can flourish just like any other child and deserve to be treated with equal affection.

In the film, the teacher, played by Aamir Khan, excessively focuses on a single child among a class of 40 students. However, it is impractical for a single teacher to solely concentrate on one child while neglecting the others who also deserve attention. Teachers have a responsibility to distribute their attention equally among all students since their parents pay the school fees as well. Additionally, continuously repeating a task for a slow-learning student can hinder the progress of other students.

Moreover, young children, typically around 7 or 8 years old, may not fully comprehend the disabilities and sensitivities of special needs children. Unintentionally or innocently, they may bully or tease these children, which can have long-lasting adverse effects on their emotional well-being. The fear of humiliation or being ridiculed by classmates can lead a special needs child to withdraw from social interactions. It is important to recognize that children who engage in playful mischief may not fully grasp the impact of their actions on a differently-abled peer.

To truly assess the practicality of the film’s portrayal, it would be beneficial to interview school teachers who work with special needs children. A close friend of mine, who is a Special Needs trainer, has emphasized that parents of such children often require extensive counseling and support, as they too experience deep emotional turmoil.

Therefore, it is suggested that filmmakers, armed with the influence and resources to bring about a paradigm shift in the understanding of human psychology, should strive to present films that offer practical solutions. Addressing the real challenges faced by special needs children and providing feasible approaches will contribute to a more inclusive and empathetic society.

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