Kalyug Briefs

Recruiting Domestic Helpers – Things to consider

Recruiting Domestic Helpers – Things to consider

Recruiting domestic helpers is a process that requires careful consideration. As someone who has had experience with hiring domestic helpers, I have learned a few valuable lessons along the way. In this article, I will share some insights and things to consider when recruiting domestic helpers.

  1. Beware of young unmarried girls: Young unmarried girls may not be the best fit for domestic helper roles. Their priorities are often focused on getting married and starting their own families, rather than on their work responsibilities. Moreover, their level of education may be limited as their parents may not have prioritized their education, assuming they would eventually engage in household chores. Even if they have received some education, the quality of education provided by government schools is often subpar, leading to a lack of necessary skills. Additionally, their curiosity or temptation towards valuables like cosmetics and jewelry can sometimes result in theft. It’s essential to be cautious and take preventive measures to avoid such incidents.
  2. Consider women in their 30s: Married women in their 30s, who are also mothers, can be potential candidates for domestic helper roles. They may be motivated to work harder to provide for their own children. However, it’s important to assess their integrity and trustworthiness. To test their honesty, you can purposely leave groceries, oil, grains, sugar, and other items within their reach. While not all women in this age group engage in theft, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and address any concerns or suspicions that may arise. Maintaining open communication and providing a supportive work environment can help foster trust and loyalty.
  3. Consider aged women in their 40s: Aged women in their 40s can be ideal candidates for domestic helper roles. They often have greater responsibilities, such as taking care of their own marriageable children. These women understand the value of hard work and are more likely to demonstrate honesty and dedication to win the favor of their employers, who are often housewives. Supporting them in their daughter’s marriage by helping with essential items like beds, wardrobes, and utensils can further strengthen the employer-helper relationship.
  4. Background checks and retention: Just like in any recruitment process, conducting background checks is essential when hiring domestic helpers. This helps ensure the safety and security of your household. Additionally, it’s important to appreciate and acknowledge the efforts of good helpers. Regular salary hikes, based on their performance and tenure, can serve as a motivation for them to continue providing quality service. Treating them as valued employees and addressing their needs and concerns can contribute to a positive working environment and improve retention rates.

In conclusion, recruiting domestic helpers requires careful consideration and awareness of the unique challenges that may arise. By understanding the different age groups and their motivations, conducting background checks, and fostering a supportive work environment, you can find reliable and trustworthy domestic helpers who can contribute to the smooth functioning of your household.

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