Kalyug Briefs

Keema Bazaar – A Short Poem

Keema Bazaar – A Short Poem

A market place for minced meat.

But it is not mandatory
that you get your meat minced
at the market place itself
you can bring home the meat
and later mince it according
to your own sweet will!

And many a love/lust stories
happen in Keema Bazaar!
esp. when the meat still has
the spark of life in it!

And when someone is rich
he is capable of buying many pieces of meat
to be minced at leisure – after keeping
at the farm – harem…

Many a times, a 55 years old hag
chose a pretty female meat
who was barely 14!
to be kept in the Harem farmhouse!
& guess what?
the sweet 14 & her kith & kin
thought this to be a stroke of
sheer Good luck!
to be chosen by some rich & affluent male!!

Such was the life of our yester-era girls!
of course we have come a long way ….
many of us are just not a meat piece
but rather appreciated as a wholesome being
with a body (meat) , mind, soul and spirit!!

Yet – Keema bazaar is still functional!
there are still girls going through the torture
that happened centuries ago…..
being displayed as meat – to be sold as meat
who are pulped to fit in the bizarre desires of
males with demonical tendencies!

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