Kalyug Briefs

Jazbaa – When mothers start taking revenge!

Jazbaa – Film Review

A mother’s revenge!

A lady (Shabana) falls in love with an artist kind of person – drawn to him because of his flamboyant lifestyle – late night parties, boozing and even womanising! She probably thought of herself to be very beautiful – and thinking thusly – she married him! She thought that her beauty, personality and love will change his ways – at least he would give up womanising …and boozing so much….and late night parties as well – but nothing of the sort happened! She then hit upon a great plan – an age-old plan of making a male stay trapped in the mesh of mushy love – give birth to his child!

So this lady gave birth to a daughter. Things did not change after marriage..nor after child-birth! Her husband continued to booze, womanise and make merry! As it is women lose their figure and beauty after birth of a child – and an artist is known to be a worshipper of beauty – he thus alienated more from his fat wife! All this led to a divorce! The daughter then grew up in a broken family. Till the time she was a child – she stayed with the mother – just as soon as she became an adult she wanted to lead a flamboyant life herself! Like father, like daughter! The daughter started living alone in a flat given to her by her father .Financial support too was given by father.

So the educated & learned Professor mother just visited her daughter sometimes and in return she was rebuked by her daughter … probably for not letting her start enjoying her life even earlier! Her enjoyment was – taking drugs, sleeping with boyfriend(s?), attending late night parties and discotheques, wear revealing outfits….trying out expensive drugs like Angel dust! Wow!! So this is what we get when a professor weds an artist (well, in this film for instance) !

And when the professor mother is asked ( by the advocate in the court room)whether her daughter had boyfriends…she replied – Of course she was so beautiful, innocent, pretty – who wouldn’t be drawn towards her! One may then ask – Why did she leave her husband then? – Her husband must have been a ‘raseela’ personality and many women wanted to sleep with him…so why leave him? – she could be so broad minded when it came to her daughter…why couldn’t she show the same broad-mindedness towards her husband?! That way the girl would not have gone through the trauma of growing up in a ‘broken family’ at least!! ….Though she would still have gone ahead to party, booze and manize (opposite of womanize)…for you see – in the discotheque there were several teenagers jumping high and low – does it mean that all were from broken families? Of course not!

Ash’s role:

Ash looked like a 24 years old girl in the film!! She is 42 – but she looked 24! I recently watched ‘Singh is bling’ and was marvelling at Akshaya’s physique – how well – lean and muscular and fit he has kept himself – and now I am happier to see Ash – back in full form! It is good to see my contemporaries keeping physically fit….gives one some hope…not that I do even a fraction of the work-outs that they follow to keep themselves fit!

Anyways – so Ash falls in love with a bloke and agrees to shift to the US just for him – forgetting all about her Law degree. She was happily adjusting herself as a housewife and things were going fine – till she became pregnant. Her in-laws get a sex-determination test done on her and up on finding that she was carrying a daughter – they ask her to abort the child!!! Yea- you read it right – she had gone to the US – United States – but she was completely unaware of the fact that she had wed someone who belonged to the clan of absolute jahil-ganwaars (uncouth-illiterates)! She somehow manages to escape the blokes and returns to India – joins a firm as criminal lawyer – because fees and wages of a criminal lawyer is much higher…and she had to bring up her daughter single-handedly! So the fact that she used her knowledge, wit and intelligence to save the criminals is justified…right?

So basically she was fighting and supporting blokes and criminals who were more or less like her in-laws…and ex-husband! What a revenge – she got a raw deal – so she saw to it that many more people get ‘raw’ deals like she did….. by saving the criminals from the ‘long arm of the law’!

Irfan’s life –

He is shown as a corrupt yet decorated Police officer – corrupt – because he accepted and asked for bribe and decorated – because he had got medals to solve some criminal cases! He proved in the film that in the world of the corrupt – one has to become corrupt in order to survive. In the country of the blind – the one eyed man is the king…..but not everyone can become the king …right – so it is better to be blind and live happily ever after …. the king has many additional duties to take care of… and we, the people, shirk duties and responsibilities like plague!

So the police officer spends his mornings in catching and beating up thugs and nights and late nights in getting sloshed in some bar. He has a soft corner for Ash…which will eventually be reciprocated. So basically Ash will head from fire-pan to fire…..a drunkard police officer suspended from work because of corruption is not an ‘ideal’ husband material – is he?


I cannot reveal the story right now because it is a new film and people are going to the theatres to watch the film. When people go to the theatres, many people make their livelihood…..so I do not want to snatch food from several mouths. Better go and watch the film!

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