Kalyug Briefs

Hip-Hop-Happening Demon Princess - Surpanakha

Hip-Hop-Happening Demon Princess – Surpanakha

Let us elaborate a bit on Ravanayan. You see, the devotees of Shri Rama have created temples and read out Ramayan day in and day out plus chant His name all the time, try to please the 7th avatar of Shri Vishnu all the time – whereas not many people talk of poor Ravana and his kith and kin! The supporters of Rakshasa (Demon) clan must be so disturbed that their leader is hardly talked about and even when he is remembered – his effigy is burnt to ashes! I came across couple of forums where I am surprised to see such ardent admirers of the entire Demon clan – to the extent that they even claim that Shri Rama should not have killed such a versatile king – who was so multitalented etc!

So keeping the above on mind, let us discuss a bit about their clan.

Demon Princess – Super Intelligent Surpanakha

Meaning – she whose fingernails are like winnowing fans! Valmiki describes her as facially unpleasant, pot-bellied, wry-eyed, coppery-haired, ugly featured, brassy-voiced, deplorably oldish, a crooked talker, ill-mannered, uncouth and abominable. But she had some mesmerising powers to appear physically beautiful – probably she took that mesmerising form to attract the two princes of Ayodhya but yet was declined by both of them!

Whatever little description we have about her from the Ramayana, lets just elaborate on that. She had secretly married a Danava (Dushtabuddhi) much against Ravana’s wishes, so he killed her husband. She even had one son. Mandodari (Ravana’s wife) asked her to look for another husband – yeah – no Sati Pratha in their Kingdom – they were free to re-marry plus even have concubines and boy toys – very liberal indeed! Surpanakha then started looking for someone suitable – and she must have across many males Demons – after all she was the sister of the king Ravana – there will be many suitors to the princess – understand there are (and have been since eons) males who would do everything to impress the princess – to get into the good books of the king – his ministers, doctors, engineers etc. Whether she copulated with them and then rejected them – how many she picked and how many she left is not described much – but it can surely be assumed – right? For someone who had secretly married a Danava without her brother’s consent – she must be a rebellious soul – doing whatever she liked – a bigadi shehazaadi (refer Indie film of 2007 –  ‘Heyy Babyy’).

Finally the Panchvati incident happened – the princess, who was used to males falling at her feet – not necessarily for her beauty but mostly for her brother’s power and position, got rejected! When both the brothers rejected her advances, she came back to her actual appearance and tried to attack Sita Mata – thinking that if She was out of the scene, she will have both the brothers to herself! Again look at her understanding about males! This shows the kind of males she was raised among and loitered around with! Mostly Fu*k-heads – who could do with any female who showed her interest on diving on bed with them! Character-Dhila-hai kind of males.

Now being rejected and insulted, she approaches her brother and tells him a different story altogether! She did not say that she wanted to have fun with 2 good looking men – but said that a very beautiful woman is living in a hut under dilapidated surroundings – she should be your queen! Thus igniting the lust in egoistic Ravana and he went ahead to abduct Sita Mata. Rest I need not elaborate because that is already given in details everywhere. In this article we are only focussing on the psychology of Demon Princess Surpanakha.

Many say that it was her revenge on her brother who killed her danav husband (Dushtabuddhi) and made her a widow with a son Shambhri.

Whatever be the reason – I will obviously go by Shri Valmiki’s Ramayana and not bother much about the abstracts written by other authors or poets! I am an author myself – I can just write anything convincingly – will that mean I will know better than someone who is the original writer?! We all know Shri Valmiki’s story – how with deep penance of several years wrote the Ramayana and Lord Vishnu Himself became the protagonist of the play written by him keeping on mind the psychology of humans existing during that point of time – The Treta Yuga! Yeah – Its quite funny when I see people write elaborate articles suggesting what should have ideally happened and how this was a wrong step and it could have been better played! Probably they forget that Treta Yuga is being talked about and not Kaliyuga!

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