
Mythology Banter – A Short Story

Mythology Banter – A Short Story

Mythology Banter – A Short Story

Abhay was a workaholic, focused solely on work and dismissive of religion, calling it all a myth. One day, during lunch at the workplace cafeteria, he and his colleague Mukta had an interesting conversation.

Mukta: “You know, Abhay, it’s fine that you’re an atheist. But you’re so dedicated to your work—you’re practically a Karma Yogi. Nowhere in any religious scripture does it say you have to bow down and call out to God constantly.”

Abhay: “That’s not what I’m saying. I just don’t get why people worship idols or believe in Gods. It’s all a figment of imagination—a myth. People waste millions on idols made of clay or marble. It’s foolish, in my opinion.”

Mukta: “But everyone has their own beliefs, right? You’re a Senior Marketing Executive, and the people reporting to you have different roles. Just like that, people have their own ways of dealing with things according to their background.”

Abhay: “I never denied that! I’m just talking about the absurdity of idol worship and how the majority of people are delusional about it.”

Mukta: “Valmiki wrote the Ramayana… you do know that he was the first sage to compose in Sanskrit, right?”

Abhay: “So what? And how do we even know it’s true? Where’s the proof?”

Mukta: “Well, if we talk about proof, you probably don’t have much evidence of your great-great-grandfather either. There were no cameras back then.”

Abhay: “What are you trying to say? And even if Valmiki spoke Sanskrit, what’s the big deal?”

Mukta: “Sanskrit is considered the mother of all languages.”

Abhay: “So, what now? Should we start dancing because Sanskrit was spoken by some sage in ancient India? A round of applause, please.”

Mukta: “Ah, so you do believe there was a sage named Valmiki then?”

Abhay: “Fine, yes. Happy now?”

Mukta: “And he wrote the Ramayana.”

Abhay: “Yeah, which was all just a product of his imagination. So?”

Mukta: “So, are you suggesting that Valmiki had some kind of advanced marketing and advertising team to sell his ideas?”

Abhay (laughing): “Marketing team? Really? Where do you come up with this stuff? I seriously doubt they had such concepts back then.”

Mukta: “Oh, come on. Valmiki wrote a myth, and our ancestors—or should I say us since we keep reincarnating—built temples, mosques, and churches around it. And then other sages wrote spiritual texts to honor the divine. What about them?”

Abhay: “They probably had too much time on their hands.”

Mukta: “Too much time to do what? Write mantras to honor fictional characters? Even the Bhagavad Gita is studied worldwide. Why do you think scholars waste their time on it, then? Or are we all just a bunch of hallucinating fools for believing in Gods and their Avatars?”

Abhay: “Unfortunately, yes. Rulers probably took advantage of people’s ignorance.”

Mukta: “Are you even listening to yourself? What about the enlightened souls whose teachings formed the basis of religions around the world?”

Abhay: “And look where that got us—mass killings and wars, thanks to religion.”

Mukta: “That’s because corrupt rulers twisted religious teachings for their own gain. You can’t blame the enlightened souls for that.”

Abhay: “This debate isn’t going anywhere. Let’s just drop it.”

Mukta (laughing): “I was just thinking—maybe in a few centuries, we’ll be worshipping characters like Harry Potter or Superman. Maybe we should start writing mantras now—Om Spidermanaaye Namah or maybe even a Superman Chalisa. We might get as famous as Rishi Markandeya or Adi Shankaracharya. What do you say?”

Abhay (laughing): “Very funny. Lunch break’s over. Let’s get back to work. After all, we get paid to do our jobs, right?”

Mukta: “Absolutely. That’s Karma Yoga, as it says in the Bhagavad Gita.”

Abhay: “Oh, please spare me the lecture. I’ve got too much on my plate today. See you around!”

Mukta: “Yeah, see you later!”



Mythology Banter – A Short Story

Abhay was a workaholic. He only believed in work and disregarded religion and all idols that people worshiped – calling it a myth! Mukta, his colleague, was having lunch at the work place cafeteria and they started to converse.

Mukta – Its ok Abhay, you are an atheist but you are a perfectionist when it comes to work – so you are a KarmYogi… is nowhere written in any religious scripture that I know of at least – that you have to break your head against the floor or wall calling out the name of God!

Abhay – No – what I mean to say is why should people at all believe in idols or Gods – they are all figment of imagination after all – just a myth – but look around you – people spend millions to please an idol made of clay or marble….whatever – that is sheer foolishness I feel!

Mukta – But to each his own na – you are a Senior Marketing Executive – you have people reporting to you – your work profile is different than  those who report to you – their work profile is different – they are performing their duties according to their capacity, academic background…

Abhay – When did I ever deny that! We were talking about idols of Gods and the hallucinating majority – that’s all!

Mukta – Valmiki wrote the Ramayana….I guess you may be aware that he was the first sage who spoke Sanskrit language…? Maa Nishaad…

Abhay – So what? And we are not even sure if it is true! Where is the proof?

Mukta – well, as far as proof is concerned, we do not even have the proof of your great great grandfather – great grandfather – you may have because paintings and camera had just been invented..

Abhay – what the hell are you driving at!? And what if the sage spoke and wrote Sanskrit? What is the big deal in it?

Mukta – Sanskrit is considered the mother of all languages….

Abhay – So? Should we dance now? Sanskrit being the mother of all languages and it was first spoken by an Indian sage! Wow…a big round of applause please….

Mukta – oh! So you do believe that there was someone by the name of Sage Valmiki huh?!

Abhay – ok yes! I do believe in it – happy!?

Mukta – He wrote the epic Ramayana…..

Abhay – yeah – a figment of his fertile imagination…

Mukta – so you are trying to say that he and his team of highly advanced marketing and advertising team…

Abhay – what? He had Marketing and Advertising team huh!? Now where did you get this piece of information from!? I doubt whether there was any such concept of Marketing and advertising then….are you nuts?

Mukta – really!? We must be mistaken bro – Valmiki wrote the Ramayana – a mythology …and people – our ancestors…rather us – since we are the ones who continue to die and take birth again and yet again….we create huge temples and churches and mosques etc…..based on myths and childhood bed-time stories? And then there were other saints and enlightened personalities who actually wrote volumes and volumes of spiritual texts to appease the celestial beings – let’s say the ambassadors of our creator or the micro-milli fractions of our Creator – what about them?

Abhay – Nothing about them….I guess they had ample time….

Mukta – Ample time to do what? Write mantras to appease the fictional characters of some ages old sage? Even the Bhagvat Geeta is being studied deeply by various learned men in  many countries – why do you think they are wasting their time?…for according to you, we, who believe in Gods and their representatives – call them Avataars, angels, we are just a bunch of hallucinating buffoons – right?

Abhay – unfortunately yes….the rulers made good use of ignorance I guess!

Mukta – are you even listening to what you are saying?! What about the enlightened souls – on whose divine experiences, religions got formed world wide…

Abhay – and because of those religions there are mass murders and treason….don’t forget that…

Mukta – that is because religious scriptures were twisted by the corrupt rulers with vested interest – how can you blame the enlightened personalities for that?

Abhay – see this discussion is not leading us anywhere – so lets just stop it here…

Mukta – Well I was just thinking…maybe the forthcoming fictional characters that will be worshipped couple of centuries down the line by we, the people, would be Harry Porter, Batman…Superman I guess…so do you think we should get busy coining mantras for them….Om Spidermanaaye Namah! Or Superman Chalisa we can create – so that we will also become famous like the kinds of Rishi Markandya or Shri Adi Shakaracharya…what do you say huh?!

Abhay – very funny – ha ha ha – lunch break is over – lets go and perform our respective office works huh…..we get our salaries because we work….right?

Mukta – Of course – that is being Karm Yogi…it is written in the Bhagvad Geeta…

Abhay – Oh ! please spare me your lecture – I have enough on my plate today – can’t take anymore…see yah!

Mukta – yeah! see you later…


A Sahaja Yogini ( - mostly meditating for self realization. Had become an ardent spiritual aspirant way back in 1992 after reading Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - after 10 years, my Spiritual Guru came in my life! If you are seeking the divine, do visit and know all about Kundalini Shakti awakening and self realization!

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