Kalyug Briefs

Munna Bhai MBBS – Film Review

Munna Bhai MBBS – Film Review

Where M stands for Master of Masters

B means Bindas character (callous & careless attitude)

B means Beshumar Actor (an actor of unparallel skills)

S means Shayana Charater (a very clever character)

The Story:

Story of an educated failure – with good righteous pair of parents, but son becomes hay wire because of the society – seeing corruption, cheating, corruption and bribery everywhere – the son – Munna Bhai – becomes a kind of underworld don – who is after all good at heart.

A “Jaadoo ki Jhappi” – meaning “Miracle hug with love” is the remedy to all ailments!

Very true indeed – some little things he does because of which the movie is a smash hit among frustrated-by-socio-economico-political-lo- scenario Indians ..are as follows:

He hugs the sweeper saying that he is also a human without whom its difficult to survive.

He speaks against too much formalities before accepting a patient who is about to die.

He faints at the sight of blood.

He kidnaps a Chinese tourist and chloroforms him and makes it the dead body to be dissected on!

He ragged the Chinese tourist because the tourist was taking the snaps of the bitter truth still existing in India – ie. Poverty!- He was taking the snaps of poverty stricken malnutrition-ed Indian citizens – this the Munna bhai & comrades did not like as they spent lakhs of Rupees on prostitutes – women & wine. Being wasteful and creating ruckus and unrest in the society is their job basically.

FYI – The miracle hug is happening only between young boys and girls in schools & colleges…also aged males and females..those who started young..old habits die hard after all!

He treats a cancer patient on his last days…by making a skimpy clad woman dance in front of him and even arranges for a date with her – since he was already dying of cancer – so an AIDS attack won’t matter much.

Watch him treat a cancer patient! This man’s mother and sister are also there…..but I guess an Item dance is better…according to Bollywood of course…poor things are totally smitten by nude females!

This, my dear people of this world – is a smash hit movie in Indai! – Hail India.

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