Kalyug Briefs

Manish Jha’s – MatruBhoomi – A film review.

Manish Jha’s – MatruBhoomi – A film review.

Story on the after effects of female feoticide ie. Killing of Girl child either in the womb or after birth – a common happening in India .

Story Line:


  1. Father of 5 sons looking for a bride for one of his sons. Bride is unavailable in the village – since it’s a No Woman village – and the match maker goes to different villages in search of a bride – but the story is more or less the same in surrounding villages as well – Result : difficulty in finding a bride.
  2. The servant is seen giving his ‘piss’ mixed with Rose syrup to the match maker – maybe because he cannot stand him for his rude behavior.
  3. The men of the village spend their time watching ‘blue film’ which they probably get from city.
  4. After watching the blue film – a man is shown having ..well putting his male – organ in a cow ..just any ‘slit’ will do (refer movie Pitaah – review available on this site)!!
  5. One villager announces his son’s wedding – everyone lands up to witness the marriage – jealously – for someone was going to get married and enjoy life having ‘sex’ – but somehow the news gets leaked that the bride is actually a boy dressed as a girl – the Purohit – is seen pulling the skirt of the bride and the ‘male organ’ is focused on !!

  6. One of the sons is a school teacher – a scene is shown where boys are making a lot of ruckus while the Teacher is seen sleeping on the chair!- this shows why India could not develop after all – Indians remain uncouth , illiterate ,uneducated proliferators . Period !
  7. Accidentally the father of the 5 sons, happens to spot a lady sitting on a branch of a tree. She immediately runs inside her hut. The father follows and finds out that there is a girl in this village after all.
  8. He comes to the girl’s (kalki’s) house with the match maker and his youngest son – with the photograph of his elder son – the elder son was looking ugly in the snap. This is pointed out by the to-be bride’s father and he suggests that she marries the youngest son who was sitting there . He also says that he will take Rs.1 lakh for giving away his daughter.
  9. Next scene : father gives Rs. 5 lakhs to Kalki’s father and Kalki is made to marry all 5 of them !!
  10. The same night the sons are seen chalking out the ‘sex’ routine – one will go on each day of the week – while doing so they see their perturbed father – well folks !- tie your safety belts here – the old haggard father of 5 sons wanted to have sex with the bride first !!
  11. So its shown that the old haggard father-in-law ‘humps’ the brand new daughter-in-law first – followed by the sons – one at a time – on each day of the week.
  12. The bride is seen lying and taking the shit with eyes closed – with ‘zero’ enthusiasm – except when the good looking youngest son comes to have ‘sex’ with her – she enjoys and reciprocates as well.
  13. Life continues – although she is a rare commodity – but that did not mean that she will not work as a maid servant ! Still in India – wives are considered as maid servants – and whores are considered as ‘mate’ servants – ‘servant’ is the common factor though ! She was asked to do all the house hold works – but was helped by the youngest son and the male servant.
  14. The youngest son thus became an eye sore in the eyes of all the other male members of the household – and thus he is killed by one of the brothers !!
  15. The only one man she loved who made her forget all her hardships was killed ! she thus writes a letter to her father and asks him to take her away – since even the old haggard father in law was also having ‘sex’ with her ! Tie your safety belts yet again folks – another revelation here : her father comes and charges an extra 1 lakh since the old haggard dog was also sleeping with his daughter without due payment – One lakh each for the ‘slit’ !! The daughter is shown touching her father’s feet and her father – now a rich man – had bought a mobile and had come in a car !- this shows that the Director is talking of recent times – after Mobile was available in India !!
  16. She tries to run away with the help of the male servant – the brothers catch her and kill the male servant – and tie her to a pole in the cow shed – she was urinating etc. along with the cows tied in the dirty shed! This was as a punishment to her for trying to run away with the servant – the egoistic blokes of the house had to show to the villagers :their powers and righteousness after all !!

  17. In the meanwhile the male servant’s uncle thinks of taking revenge – by murdering one of the sons – but sees her tied to the pole – so he ‘humps’ her and goes instead – taken the revenge – later he is shown coming daily to hump her ! Other brothers also humped her – all this is happening in the dirty foul smelling, full of mosquitoes – cow shed – showing that sex does not require all the satins covers, and fragrance, perfumes etc. that the Advertisement world is trying to sell – in order to have a good ‘sex’ session !
  18. Lo behold ! – she becomes pregnant – by whose sperm – No one knows – a newly recruited male servant comes to feed her milk etc. – on which she was basically surviving !Later – after around 8 or more months of pregnancy – when her swollen stomach was evident – the ‘blokes’ in the household come to know of the ‘good news’ !!
  19. Suddenly – they start having a fight as to who is the father – the ignorant swines that Indian males are – again becomes evident when the father in law – says that since he was the first one to hump her – so the forthcoming child is his !!He now starts serving her ! by pressing her feet as it is said that a child is God’s gift – so the carrier is also God for a couple of months!
  20. In the mean time the male servant’s uncle claims that he is the actual father since he used to hump her while she was tied to the pole – the baby therefore rightfully belongs to him !!There is a row over this matter – and many males of the village die (including the father in law, all his sons, matchmaker etc).
  21. In the last scene – Kalki is shown to give birth to a daughter .

This movie has a very deep meaning which is as follows :

  1. That an average woman’s life in India is just like that of character Kalki in this movie – used as a ‘baby’ producing machine – a ‘sex’ object only.
  2. Anything – in spite of being a rare commodity – egoistic Indian males do notknow how to take care of it – basically hinting at the natural resources etc. which are indispensable – is known to all – but still exploited.
  3. Focus on point 11.stated above – the old haggard father of 5 sons – still has sexual urges for a girl as young as his daughter – well this is seen mostly in towns and metropolitan cities as well – where Bosses are having affair with young ‘available’ – belonging to poor / lower middle class families girls – who enter as secretaries and land up becoming ‘kepts’ to the old haggards street mongrels ! Also in the glamour world – young aspiring models readily sleep with men older than their grand fathers as well !! (refer Movie page 3 – Tara ‘s character)– later when she becomes famous – she is proposed by guys younger to her in age – and she accepts it also – as shown in this movie – all the sons had no problem whatsoever to share their ‘wife’ with their own father ! – means ‘men’ are only interested in the ‘slit’ – does not really matter whether it has been visited once / twice or several times before – as long as the ‘slit’ is available to him – thus falsifying all the Fairy tales and tales of love, jealousy, possessiveness that men are shown having over a single ‘slit’ – all that we have been watching in movies and reading in romantic novels !
  4. There are many men who would react fiercely to the above stated point – denying and defying what I have just said about them – well – to such people I can just say – truth is very bitter folks – you see people who cannot afford a ‘kept’ are seen to be the most depressed – all men all over the world are crazy for money – Why ? have you ever thought on these lines ? Well because the lives of the rich and the famous is the most sought after by the common men – women,wine & wealth – the three things that men aspire – till the time they can achieve all this – they claim that they are happy with little – ie. Watching semi – nude ‘Item Girls’ gyrating on the pole ! the fact that no one is speaking against it shows that its acceptable world – wide – rather welcomed & there is a Bengali song here : Kothao aamar hariye java nehi mana – mone` mone` – which means – no one can stop me from getting lost in my thoughts – in my mind – which probably means that – in their thoughts they can have several ‘sex’ partners licking them from all sides – and no one can do anything about it – and exactly this thought is manifested by the rich and the famous …thus we see why men hanker so much after money !!

  5. Okay – there was one guy who was shown behaving gently with Kalki – the youngest son – but he was killed – showing that we did have ‘true freedom fighters’ who fought for a cause – but alas all died – were murdered, killed by own / foreign men – showing that although there are men who might truly love a woman – but then they have little or no power whatsoever and are soon over powered by majority of sex-starved people – Might is right ..is’nt it? Thus no use having this loser category after all – who would ultimately be brutally murdered by men in / with power…..exactly this has happened since eons – maybe this is the reason that we do not have many of their sort any more ….
  6. Ponder on point 15. folks – well fathers of Item girls, models and dance balas are more or less like this only – making their daughters nothing more than ‘objects of masturbation’ for several sex starved Indian mongrels (refer movie Chandni Bar – maternal uncle first ‘humps’ then sells his neice…anyways because of fear of ban on ‘Incest’ and the ruckus that can follow among the ‘sex starved’ but ‘hypocrite’ Indian citizens – Director Manish Jha showed the scene very diplomatically indeed !
  7. Ponder on the name of the girl – Kalki – supposedly the last incarnation of Lord Vishnu to put an end to Kalyug – so is he trying to indicate that the last incarnation will be a Lady instead of the usual male garb that Shri Lord Vishnu usually wears when he decides to came as an incarnation?!
  8. Manish Jha has really done a good job by directing this movie and showing the truth about INDIA – Mera Bharat mahaan ?!!
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