
Masaan – Fornication before wedlock can lead to serious difficulties!

Masaan – Fornication before wedlock can lead to serious difficulties!

Masaan – Film Review


Fornication before wedlock can lead to serious difficulties!

On how cops are the actual villains/ thugs.

Simplicity is often shown as dumbness or ignorance in films.

On Teenage love and caste system prevalent in India.

Pilgrimage travellers get instant moksha?!

How lovers should move on in life.

Fornication before wedlock can lead to serious difficulties!

A female meets and befriends a male in a computer institute. They decide to try out sex. The female learns ‘sex-making’ through porn sites – aah! Where else can you get to see and understand the actual reason of your birth? They reach a dingy motel and dive on bed. Little did they know that the motel owner was also a police informer!

You see, in order to run the business of ‘escort services’ and prostitution in motels, the local police has to fed enough dough for the biz to run smoothly. Because such businesses in motel is illegal in India. But the motel owners have to give weekly fees to the local cops so that they do not interfere with their biz. Sometimes, when they fail to collect weekly fees for months together, they inform the cops about unconfident couples hiring room for an hour or so…so that the cops can raid and extract money from the ‘sex-making’ couples!

Unfortunately, this was one of those days when the cops barged in and the couples were caught in the act…! The lady police officer slaps the girl – Girl A hereinafter (don’t remember her name) and the guy locks himself up in the toilet.

After repeated ‘threatening’ knocks at the toilet door – the cops break in and find that the boy had committed suicide! Ashamed of the fact that the incident would reach his parents, the poor boy commits suicide! The female is taken to the police station where her father – an ex-Sanskrit teacher and a small shop owner at the burning-ghat – is asked to bail her out.

The police inspector then visits his house (Girl A’s house) and plants the fear-factor that if he does not give him Rs 3 Lakhs in 3 months, he will upload the video of his half naked daughter in the dingy motel in YouTube. The simple and naïve aged father agrees to pay and works day and night to collect the amount! His daughter also helps him arrange for money by working as a small time counsellor and later as a ticketing executive in Indian railways.

As soon as the money is paid in full, the daughter decides to leave her father and look for a job away from the small village. She also blames her father to not have taken her mother on time to the hospital which caused her untimely death…basically the daughter just wanted to be away from the small village looking after an aged father – when she knew that she could enjoy her life by being far away from the prying eyes of her father! Living away from home – for some horny/adventurous girls especially – also means the ability to have multiple sex-partners and try out different kamasutra postures…which is not really possible if parents are around.

Note – Immediately after the release of the film, the porn sites got banned in India – a truly great film to have opened the eyes of our administrators.

On how cops are the actual villains/ thugs.

The cop was shown as such a creep! The poor aged father was literally humiliated and ragged by this rugged cop…who himself had a daughter! The cop went on extorting money shamelessly and the simpleton quietly collected the money for his only daughter….who hardly had any love or respect for her father.

Simplicity is often shown as dumbness or ignorance in films.

When Girl A gets a job in the railways, she had a colleague who was basically simple – but shown as a knowledgeable (information about work) talkative & dumb man! She ignored his advances like plague. Shows that the girl had particular choices and was not some easily available girl. This scene also proves that the girl was not some sex-starved money extracting poodle – as independent girls are often branded as…esp. in India!

On Teenage love and caste system prevalent in India.

An engineering student, whose father was a ‘priest for the dead’ – i.e. Dom in Hindi – whose work is to burn the bodies after death (considered as low caste in India), falls in love with a higher caste girl- Girl B. The girl also starts loving him – he floors her by giving her love-songs mixed with her voice that he recorded whenever she spoke to him – ok! some good use of engineering skills after all!

He tells her about his family background and for a while they stop speaking to each other. Later the girl calls him up and says that she will marry him only and does not care about caste or creed! Unfortunately the bus she was travelling in meets with an accident and she dies…..and because of surplus dead bodies, her lover also is asked to burn bodies. He sees her dead body and goes in a state of total shock. Feels sad and depressed for couple of days and then decides to move on.

The girl was quite a dare devil though – she gets down from the bus that was taking her college group to picnic and clings to him behind the mobike….. so basically parents have to accept the fact that children – boy or girl – will grow up and lie to them about their whereabouts and even indulge in ‘sex’ or other coo-chi-cooing stuff and parents should have no say whatsoever in their affairs. They have grown up and they are inquisitive about sex and they can’t wait till marriage……accept this fact and be relieved from many a heart-breaks and shocks!

Imagine the shock the Gupta family would have gone through – had they been alive and after the Pilgrimage tour – having taken the blessings of several idols of God..they would have come to know that their daughter wishes to marry a Dom’s son! Nothing wrong in marrying him at all….but the entire family (esp. parents) would have gone into total shock…..whereas in the film – only the boy got shocked and got over eventually. So many shocks lasting a lifetime versus the shock of a single guy…the bigger picture surely sets in well here!

Pilgrimage travellers get instant moksha?!

Often I hear this news…rather intriguing!

How lovers should move on in life.

Last scene – the Girl A reaches a town away from her home and meets the engineering fellow – Girl B’s lover. They make friends and sail away…….






A Sahaja Yogini ( - mostly meditating for self realization. Had become an ardent spiritual aspirant way back in 1992 after reading Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - after 10 years, my Spiritual Guru came in my life! If you are seeking the divine, do visit and know all about Kundalini Shakti awakening and self realization!

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