Kalyug Briefs

Gurlz – Be prudent when it comes to choosing Sajna – Life partner!

Gurlz – Be prudent when it comes to choosing Sajna! He may be just on a ‘Duping You’ trip!

Attn. Laila ladisss**

Refer film – Saudagar |1973

Be careful before humming the yesteryear smash hit song – sajna hai mujhe sajna ke liye..

For immediately after the song her Sajna beat her up badly for ruining his jaggery!
He thought himself to be very intelligent actually – he had married an aged lady who made good jaggery so that he could earn money and marry the sexy siren he had his eyes on! He could have made the aged lady his biz partner too…but then you need to share money with biz-partner – right? So the clever male marries her, keeps her like a maid servant cum gur-maker – to later kick her butt and marry a younger female!

His plans get thwarted when he realises that the sexy siren he married was only good on bed – nothing else! He lost money in business and lost his reputation too!

Conclusion – males continue to dupe and females continue to be dumb! Hail India!

**Laila ladiss – females who are more romantic than necessary!

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