Kalyug Briefs

Baaishe Srabon – Bengali Film Review

baaishe srabon

Baaishe Srabon – Bengali Film Review

Saw this recently released film – a Bengali film – kinda detective thriller cinema. Many other revelations were made too through this film. Let me reveal them too – one by one …

First the story – a female who works for TV serials happens to meet a young hot tempered police officer during a rally where she was probably taking pictures and trying to bring forth the grievances of the common man …to the rest of the common men who would watch the grievance later on TV while munching snacks or dinner…anyways, so the female while trying to perform her duty happens to exchange ‘certain’ vibes with the police officer – and decides to undress and do the needful with him – out of wedlock of course – kind of living-in relationship. The hot tempered police officer had a disturbed childhood – father a drunkard, had left his mother and then had died when he was barely 14 years old. So he was basically from a broken family….and thus did not know the essence of marriage, family life etc.

Often they used to fight mainly because of difference in their educational background – he was from a Bengali medium school and she from an English medium. On top of being a bong, from a bong medium school bearing humiliation from girlfriend who was always trying to correct his English, the police officer was also extremely abusive  since all he saw all the time of his life since joining the police forces was rape, murder, terrorism etc.

Nevertheless, after a quickie session, they both were very happy about their relationship. The female also had a childhood boy-friend who loved her secretly and even confesses to her, but she declines as she just considers him as a plain friend . The female’s mother is aware of her daughter’s ‘live together’ stunt but still wants her to marry the childhood friend since he will give her more security.

The fact that daughter is happily humping around is the least of her botheration. The daughter stays away nights together, goes out of station with her  so called ‘lover’ but the mother can say nothing at all to her! Her childhood boy-friend also knows of her affair and the fact that she is having a full fledged relationship with the police officer, but still he proposes to her!  So basically what we see nowadays is that men are not really bothered about virginity, chastity etc – they just look for a promising episode on bed and that’s all – married, unmarried, widow, adolescent, aged – does not really matter – anyone can ‘thoko’ anyone else if you just  feel like it !

The movie also tried to justify ‘live in’ relationship saying that out of 7 types of marriages, this is also a type called the ‘Gandharva’ marriage!! – so after watching this movie – more and more females will become bold…bolder and boldest…much to the happiness of sex starved, wasteful,  irresponsible males & of course pimps!

The same female, when caught loitering with her boy-friend in a graveyard, tells the police officer in – charge that smooching in public place is allowed according to some law! Well I guess when street dogs can copulate in open air with sound effects, then why can’t the much evolved  human beings indulge in such things in public places – now that’s a point to note melords….isn’t it?

Then there is this angry police officer who treats criminals like muck  and tortures them without solid proof…..so some goon kills his wife and son and he even loses his job because of his tyrannical ways. This story is all about his vengeance…..the mystery part I will not quite reveal – it’s a well woven film – you may go and watch it once….

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