Kalyug Briefs

Chastity alone is not sufficient to lead a healthy & auspicious life!

The Importance of Embracing Goodness for a Fulfilling Life

In the ancient epic, Mahabharata, the character of Gandhari, the devoted wife of the blind Kaurava king, Dhritarashtra, serves as a poignant example of the complexities of life. Her unwavering chastity and dedication to her husband were admirable traits, but they alone could not ensure a happy, healthy, and auspicious life. Gandhari’s story teaches us that a harmonious and fulfilling life is not just dependent on a single virtue like chastity but on the cultivation of all that is good, pure, and wholesome.

Gandhari’s decision to blindfold herself as a sign of solidarity with her husband’s blindness showcases her profound devotion and self-sacrifice. However, her journey took a challenging turn when she used artificial means to give birth to a hundred sons, the Kuru Princes. The artificial method, involving embryonic fluids and fragmented embryos, resulted in her sons lacking the sensitivity and compassion that arise from natural mother-child bonding. The absence of human sensitivities in their upbringing led the Kuru Princes to become tyrannical, insensitive, selfish, and egoistic individuals.

This tale holds a deeper meaning about the significance of holistic parenting. It emphasizes that both parents must actively engage in nurturing their children and being conscious of their actions. Blindness to the misbehavior of their offspring can lead the family down a destructive path, leading to their eventual downfall. Gandhari’s chastity alone couldn’t shield her family from doom; a collective effort to instill good qualities and moral values was necessary.

The lesson drawn from Gandhari’s life is universally relevant. A virtuous and auspicious life is not a buffet where one can selectively choose qualities. One cannot coexist truthfulness with dishonesty, purity with malice, or love with lust. Instead, it is essential to embrace all good qualities and strive to cultivate them in our lives. Pursuing a path of goodness requires conscious effort and a willingness to let go of toxic influences that may draw us toward negative traits.

The journey towards goodness and wholesomeness may demand making tough decisions, even distancing ourselves from individuals who exhibit malicious and harmful tendencies. By surrounding ourselves with positive influences and consciously promoting goodness, we pave the way for a happier and more fulfilling life.

In the past, spiritual growth often involved ascetic lifestyles and rigorous penance. However, as spiritual knowledge has become more accessible, people can now nurture their inner selves within the context of family life. Spiritual growth doesn’t necessarily require extreme renunciation; rather, it involves integrating good qualities into our daily actions, thoughts, and interactions.

It is important to recognize that leading a happy and fulfilling life goes beyond adhering to a single virtue or belief. Instead, it involves understanding that goodness, compassion, honesty, and other positive qualities must harmoniously coexist and be practiced collectively. Gandhari’s story serves as a reminder that to establish auspiciousness and lead a meaningful life, one must be willing to cultivate and embrace all that is good, pure, and wholesome. By doing so, we create a positive impact not only on our lives but also on the lives of those around us, contributing to a happier and more compassionate world.

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