Aradhana Movie – 1969
The Dream Girl of Indian Males
(Sapno Ki Rani)
Here are the details of the daft ‘Dream Girl’ that Indian Males yearn for!
An Alistair Mclean reading female ( means convent educated), befriends a male (Pilot), copulates with him – Before Wedlock – Pilot dies – convent educated lady delivers the baby and decides to become an aayah to bring up the baby!
Wow! What a story! Must be written by some equally daft male who thinks that women are daft creatures! Being educated, if she readily copulated before wedlock, why on earth could she not bring up her child herself!? Why work as an aayah?! She was educated after all!
This is where all efforts to ‘educate a girl child’ fails! Such films show that the more educated a female – the more daft she is!
Conclusion @aradhana movie:: One should not copulate before wedlock and call upon oneself all the miseries that the society has though of…esp. for the females! (Had the female been married, she could have led a very normal life!)
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